Thursday 6 March 2014

Promo Video Ideas...It begins

Ok so after learning the basics on photoshop, and thinking long and hard about a subject for my promotional video, I came up with the premise for my video.

My idea is mainly inspired by a picture I stumbled across my favorite childhood film star, Ralph Macchio (Karate Kid 1 through 3). To make it fun I have devised an idea to cut up various films incuding those of Leonardo Dicaprio and Arnold Schwarzenegger (heroes) and create an imaginary new film released 'in cinemas near you soon'. A kind of action adventure film where the three main stars have got 3 days to save the human race from impending doom...

Using tools previously discussed. Certain DVD aspects I 'borrowed' from existing DVDs. Such as the back cover details section and the widescreen header. Using the lassoo tools, quick selection tool and magic wand tool I was able to easily select the desired areas and

I have started to creat the DVD cover using the techniques discussed previously, here is my progress so far...

We are going to use our expert voice over skills to create (hopefully) a funny promotional video for all to view.

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